Wednesday, April 22, 2009

revolutionary rhetoric

"What is a bourgeois next to a privileged person? The latter always has his eyes on the noble time past. There he sees all his titles, all his strength, he sees his ancestors. The bourgeois, by contrast, his eyes always fixed on the ignoble present, on the indifferent future, prepares for the second and sustains the first by the resources of his industry, He is, instead of having been; he endures hard work and, even worse, the shame of employing his entire intelligence and all his strength for our present service, and lives from work which is essential for us all. Ah! Why can't the privileged go into the past to enjoy their titles, their grandeur, and leave to a stupid nation the present with all its ignobility?" ( Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyes, Essai sur les privileges in Sewell William Jr. A rhetoric of bourgeois revolution. The Abbe Sieyes and What is the Third Estate?)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

future of the past

"The reality of liberalism, then, was always worse than its appearance. Like the philosophes before them, Liberals hid behind specious maxims, pulling a veil over their true intentions. However much they might protest to the contrary, they were intent on razing the Restoration monarchy to the ground and bringing the church with it. 'It is a fact that today has acquired universal evidence,' warned La France Chretienne in 1821. 'The Liberals are in permanent conspiracy against legitimate governments. They conspire in the assembly, in their pamphlets, in their clubs; they conspire by their principles, their maneuvers, and their emissariess; they conspire every single day, and in every place." (McMahon Darrin, The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity, Oxford University Press, 2001)

Monday, April 6, 2009


Daca vreti un film bun din toate punctele de vedere atunci nu ratati Barfuss, un film german despre dragoste si nu numai. Un amanunt nu mai putin important este ca filmul are si o muzica buna. Nu prea am ce sa mai adaug. Enjoy!