Thursday, September 18, 2008

cateva perle

Pasajele de mai jos le-am extras din ghidul "How to Survive in the US. A Handbook for Internationals", care ne-a fost distribuit cand am ajuns in SUA. Asadar, enjoy!

How do I make friends of the opposite sex?

What you see on television or in the movies is not normal for American relationships between men and women. Many American students prefer group activities rather than "one-on-one" dating. Don't feel that you have to date to make friends of the opposite sex. You may enjoy activities with a group of male and female friends more than going out with a single person of the opposite sex, especially if dating is not the custom in your country.

What else should I keep in mind as I make friends with Americans?

Americans will often have many acquaintances (people they have met and know by name) but few close friends. While an American may seem friendly when you first meet, he or she may not be interested in a deeper relationship. Try to be sensitive to others' expectations, and don't be discouraged if your friendship don't seem to develop as you would like. In most cases, you will find at least one American interested in a deeper friendship.


IMB said...

hahaha trebuia sa pui si traducerea, am si eu cateva prin ghidurile mele, cand am timp poate le postez si eu :))
Pe scurt, americanii nu vor sa ramai in America :) asa ca no dating and no friends :)

Medicul-Sef said...

Cred ca traducerea ar diminua din farmec. (-:

Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like this blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal

Medicul-Sef said...

Thank you! I appreciate this!